Golden Good Government League


What We Do

Updated February 11, 2021

The Golden Good Government League (3GL) fosters good representative government for all Golden citizens by focusing on the following objectives and actions:

3GL Objectives

  • Support representative government that is accountable to all the citizens of Golden.
  • Support the election to City Council of candidates who will make fiscally responsible, well-informed and fair decisions for the good of Golden and who will appropriately represent their constituents.
  • Provide citizens with the facts pertaining to issues and candidates, and motivate them to participate in the electoral process.
  • Establish connectivity with all members of the community to achieve greater participation in and awareness of Golden issues.
  • Support managed growth, residential and commercial, as necessary to generate the funding required to maintain and improve the City’s infrastructure, services and amenities, thereby assuring high quality of life in Golden without adversely affecting its charm and appeal.

3GL Actions

City Council makes the most important City decisions. Therefore 3GL makes efforts to insure that high-quality candidates both run for and are elected to City Council. We seek candidates who are open-minded, well informed, dedicated to the City of Golden, mindful of the importance of representative government and who are capable of providing professional governance for Golden.

We invite all potential candidates to visit with us, share their personal vision for Golden and to discuss what they hope to do, if elected, for Golden. We attempt to help all candidates to understand both the commitment they are making as well the current issues facing the City. As the election approaches, 3GL identifies and publicizes candidates it endorses and, if requested, provides them with financial and other support as allowed under campaign laws.

3GL also analyzes ballot issues and makes efforts to insure that voters are well informed and clearly understand the issues and their potential impact on Golden.

3GL primarily focuses on candidates and ballot issues that are exclusive to Golden; however,

3GL may also consider County and State election issues that impact on Golden.

3GL monitors the general operation of the Golden City government and its interaction with the business and general communities. When 3GL can assist the City to function more efficiently, it offers its services to facilitate, on a non-partisan basis, the resolution of problems.